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Intuitive Energy Services

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Looking for some divine guidance or spiritual support? Struggling with relationships, career, spirituality, or another specific area of your life? With your questions or topic in mind and tapping into your energy field, we'll channel messages from spirit to help you along your journey. Our intuitive energy readings use oracle and traditional tarot cards along with direct intuitive channeling to offer high-vibrational guidance to support you on your path. Intuitive Tarot Readings may include mediumship as we're guided. For a full mediumship session, please contact us directly.


Visit our YouTube channel and social media platforms for free collective readings!


Looking for some divine guidance or spiritual support? With your questions in mind and tapping into your energy field, we'll channel a personalized Light Language Transmission to assist on your spiritual healing journey. Note: Light Language has no direct translation, as it's pure energy. Allow the words, sounds, movement, and vibration to move through you. Release the egoic mind that attempts to analyze and translate and let your soul carry the sounds and movements through your energetic body. High-level activations may be experienced as part of your transmission.


Are you experiencing a Dark Night of the Soul? Have you had your spiritual awakening or finding yourself journeying through the Ascension process? Do you want to learn more about how to hone your intuitive gifts? Our spiritual and ascension coaching services help those looking for some added support on their spiritual life path. We'll talk through challenges, concerns, and triggers as they arise and look at your journey from a higher healing perspective. We'll end each session leaving you feeling refreshed, renewed, and reinvigorated as you journey forward.


Are you experiencing a Twin Flame or high-vibrational Soulmate connection? Has this relationship been the catalyst for your spiritual awakening or launched you on your journey through Ascension? Our Conscious Connections / Sacred Union coaching sessions are specifically designed to help you empower yourself, shift beliefs, and return to love as you embody sacred union within yourself and embrace a healthy and harmonized union with a counterpart.


Ready to level-up in your journey with an uplifting healing session that has a profoundly transformative impact?  Angel Aura Energy Healing is a powerful combination of energy healing, light language, and direct channeling. The Angel Aura, or angelic rainbow frequency, flows through the auric field as light language allows for the healing to bypass the conscious mind and interact directly with the soul self for optimal healing. Directly channeled messages during your session bring additional guidance and wisdom for your journey. 

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